Is This What We Paid For?

Last night I found myself watching Amistad and it was an eye opener. As I sat there watching, I took note that the brutality of slavery was able to exist, in part, because of black people that were more than willing to sale members of their race for some sort of profit. Sadly, after all these years, not much has changed. Here we are what should be a post-racial America, the year 2012 and we still have black men willing to sell out their race for a profit of some sort. By now I know you know where I'm going with this post. Bobby Gibson and Timothy Johnson, for whatever reason, are modern day turn coats, would would and have sold out the residents the came out and voted them into office.
This is black history month, and whenever I attend a board meeting and witness the lack of unity from those that are supposed to represent their community, I begin to wonder if the civil rights movement was a failure. It begs the question that was posed by Cicely Tyson in the Tyler Perry movie, "Is this what we paid for?" What was the point of the Little Rock Nine? Why did they endure the abuse from their white counter parts in order to get an education when we have young, black men that are more interested in standing on a street corner instead of sitting in a classroom? What was the point of Brown v. the Board of Education when more and more students are dropping out instead of stepping up? What was the point of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech when we so many have sold out to a culture that has turned disrespect into a mantra?
Just a little while ago, there was a huge crowd of people that were gathered to see a fight between boys and men. But we can't get the same crowd of people to come to city hall on the first Tuesday of each month to see a fight that will effect them through the passage of laws and ordinances. Month after month, Bobby Gibson and Timothy Johnson have made it their mission to land enough punches against the City of Lumberton that they hope to make this city stagger or at least get a TKO. Every time they vote for another budget amendment, they're striking a blow against the citizens of Lumberton, every time they vote to hire a non-certified police officer, they're striking a blow against the citizens of Lumberton, every time they avoid voting for a system of checks and balances, they're striking a blow against the citizens of Lumberton, every time the vote to terminate qualified officers, they're striking a blow against the citizens of Lumberton. Their voting pattern is so vicious, so cut-throat, they remind me of Tyson when he bit Holyfield's ear. And that's what they're doing every time they suit up for a board meeting, they're voting in an attempt to maim the City of Lumberton. So, why do the members of our community sit back with their hands folded and act like their actions are not going to affect them. Well, you are being affected by their decisions and it seems that the seeds of their destruction is beginning to spread. If people can gather to be entertained by a fight, then those same individuals can show some interest in the politics that's ruining their city. The politics of mediocrity that has existed in Lumberton must end. Bobby Gibson and Timothy Johnson have staked their political career on the hope of you not attending the board meetings to see them for who they truly are. They hope you stay home because it would make it easier for them when they have to lie to your face and ask for your support in the next election. Your community is under attack and Bobby and Tim are leading the parade of destruction. Don't wait until you're down for the count before you decide you want a ring-side seat.


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