Updating Site

There may be a few glitches on the site today. I am updating the SEO and RSS feeds. I will be blogging more frequently once the updates are completed. The posts for this week will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The following week, the blog schedule will be Tuesday and Thursday. I would like to thank those that subscribed to the RSS feed and thank you for your feedback. I would also like to thank those that inboxed me photos from CiCi's Pizza yesterday. I'm glad you recognized people from the blog. I don't think I'll be able to use the photos but thanks for fanning out and keep up the good work. Before closing, does anyone know who planted those beautiful arrangements in the planter boxes along Main Street? Good job. That's all for today. Please log on for tomorrow's blog: From Greatness to Grazing: An Analogy of Lumberton's Mayors.


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