Somebody's Getting Played
It seems that someone from GoldCoast Skydivers was upset with me and what was posted regarding their payment or non-payment. Well, if you're upset with what was posted,then you're directing your anger in the wrong direction because it was said during a public meeting that the GoldCoast Skydivers Group had failed to pay their grand lease payment of $100 for this year or last year. In addition to the statement being made, it was also confirmed by the city clerk, during said meeting. But at the special call meeting, LeeAnn ( I don't know her new married name) had written out the dates when the payment was made and presented that information to the board. Now, for some reason, it is being said that the payment was made in December. The only proof that was submitted was some dates printed out on a piece of paper. If they really wanted to quash the matter, they would have went to their bank or their on-line banking account, entered their user name and password, clicked on bank statements, clicked on the appropriate month, and printed out a copy of the returned check. Instead, the only print-out they brought to the meeting was a copy of the Lumberton Informer that repeated information that was presented at a public meeting. Apparently, they wanted the city attorney, Lindsey Carter, to do something about the statement that was made on the blog. By now, they are aware that I am not under the control of the City of Lumberton. I guess they didn't know about the time when the board actually went into executive session, and voted to order Lindsey Carter to file an injunction against me. It didn't work then, it didn't work with Jack McMullan tried, or when countless others threatened legal action. Whether they pursue the matter or not is up to them, but I just hope they took the time to print out a copy of the disclaimer as well. One thing's for certain, I'm not the only one that's grown weary of the skydiver's group. Everyone in Lumberton knows that they are benefitting from the hundred's of thousands of dollars in FAA grants and most of the citizens of Lumberton are tired of not getting any fudiciary benefits from the thousands of dollars made each week from the sky-dives, the sale of equipment, food or the high volume of beer that's allegedly being consumed at the airport. But in the end, someone is being played in this matter and sooner or later, the person that think they're able to burn both ends of the candle will get burned.
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