Budget Talks 2012

Last night, there was a budget workshop scheduled. I don't know if anyone attended. I didn't bother attending because what's the point. Over half of the aldermen are going to beat their chest and do everything they can to make sure they stick to their no new taxes plan because they, and their business partners, are land hoarders and they don't care if the city has no revenue as long as they can protect their personal investments. I don't understand why they take so much time discussing the budget because when push comes to shove, they're going to amend the budget every other month. In government, when they run out of money, they just amend the budget. In real life, when you run out of money, you either make adjustments in your spending or do without certain things. Wow. .what a novel idea. Most people already know that. Unfortunately, the ones that don't know this are serving as aldermen. So, here we go with another round of budget talks. Like I stated, I didn't attend, but I already know the outcome. They will not vote for a millege rate increase, they will make some prefunctory cuts in the police department budget (what I like to call the put an end to crime with just a dime rule), they say they will only approve mandatory training/certification but will vote yes when it's placed on the agenda, regardless of it's necessity, they will move some money around from one spot to another and then move it back later in the year and they will leave thinking they've done something meaningful. I'll keep you posted and we'll see how many points I got right this time.


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