Another GCB Moment

When someone says "Oh, Jonathan, I forgot to thank you for something" you know it's time to gird you loins because that's not something you hear often and my response was correct. It was one of those nice-nasty moments. You know the kind. . where they're saying something in a polite voice, but there's really an underlying meaning. Now, let me give you the back story. Some time ago, I blogged about how Rebecca was upset that Sue had to work in the office by herself and she went on and on about how this was so unfair to Sue. I posted that blog after watching an episode of GCB, so I called it the GCB's of Lumberton. Well, today, someone thanked me for calling her a GCB (not Rebecca) in my blog. I went back to see what was going on. .so I had to pull up the post and low and behold, it was the post about Rebecca. Now, I don't know if a comment was made that referred to her as a GCB or not. Contrary to what most people think, I don't monitor this blog enough to know about every comment. I guess the blog is getting to be more like facebook. On facebook, I can make a comment about one person and 20 people will think I'm talking about them. Just last week I had to clear something up about a facebook feud that was taking place, without my knowledge, about something I posted. I posted the following: "If yo've been out of school for 5 years and still haven't finished the GED program, please stop dedicating the song, 5 Star, to yourself." Well, some people on facebook thought I was talking about their friend and there was this whole string of comments about something that I posted. It even gotten to the point where they were posting photos of their high school diploma, and for what. .because I made a reference to a conversation I was having with some friends over lunch. WOWZERS! So, I had to go back on facebook and say if the comment I made about a GED program and 5 star chick made your friends think of you. . then it's time to get some new friends. And that's pretty much my response to what just happened. If you see yourself in the things I post, and you want to approach me with the nice-nasty "Thank you!" well, I'm simply going to respond with "You're Welcome!" By the way, the first season of GCB is available for check out at the Lumberton Public Library.


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