Your Vote is Your Voice

Here in Mississippi, today is the eve of the November election.

On November 3, 2015 we head to the polls to make our selections.

To select our representatives from the county to the state.

The final results based on campaigns and debates.

Regardless of the election, not much will change on the state levels.

New promises, new schemes but the same old devils.

Here in Lamar County, there’s some positions up in the air.

Despite one candidate paying for votes, the campaign was pretty fair.

It’s my hope that the residents of District 2 will be diligent and wiser.

Please help re-elect Warren Byrd as District 2 Supervisor.

The circuit clerk’s race was once over-filled.

But there’s three candidates that looking to fill the bill.

I see Hankins, Jordan and Townsend are the candidates from which we must choose.

But LaDonna J. Townsend has the experience needed to administer the rules.

Townsend has risen above the fray and all of the chatter.

Proving each step of the way that experience matters.

Another important issue that has many singing the blues.

Is the pros and cons of Initiative 42.

I believe it will ensure better classes and schools.

But certain businesses and party leaders want education to loose.

It’s not about a black judge from a County named Hines.

It’s about the State’s refusal to invest in your child’s mind.

There’s people that think corporations are people too.

But consider a fully funded educational system as taboo.

Initiative 42 will ensure a free adequate education for all.

And an educated population will make industries call.

On the State of Mississippi and offer better services.

Taking people off welfare, food stamps but that make some nervous.

In my opinion, the only right thing to do.

Is vote yes to ensure MAEP funding through Initiative 42.

There’s some that want to use educational funding for things like Kemper Park.

We’re paying higher electric bills but we’re still in the dark.

Between now and December many will receive a refund from Mississippi Power that will make their accounts a little richer.

To show your appreciation, help elect Tom Blanton for Public Service Commissioner.

On Tuesday, November 3, 2015 drive near or far.

Because casting votes shows who we are.

Campaigns have ended and tensions continue to mount.

Just keep in mind that every vote counts.


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