A Fresh Start!

This morning, the Lumberton Planning and Zoning Committee (LPZC) met to make some changes in the way they operate and if their meeting was any indication to the possibility of what can take place in Lumberton then we are in for a fresh start. There was a moment when things became a little tense, but they managed to work through their differencs, and do what is best for the City of Lumberton. The LPZC stated that they are not in place to hinder growth, but are ready to embrace businesses that are willing to make Lumberton their home. One of the main discussions was the one regarding the upcoming case about the storage of the trailers. The members of the LPZC stated that they were willing to work with the owners of the land to come to an agreement that would have been mutually beneficial to the business owners as well as the City of Lumberton. Unfortunately, no one was willing to come to the LPZC to work out any type of agreement, and that the owners of the property did not want to give the City of Lumberton an opportunity to gain any revenue from the establishment of the business. It was stated at the meeting that there is a comprehensive plan in place, and the LPZC has the ability to grant variances to businesses that may not fall under the guidelines set forth in the comprehensive plan. But in order to be granted a variance, the business must meet with the LPZC. The members of the LPZC were able to work together to do what's best for the city; I just hope that spirit of unity is contagious.


  1. I was impressed how Alderman Gibson presented his views at the LPZC meeting today. The way he interacted with the committee reminded me of the person that convinced me to vote him into office. I was also approached by Olen Bounds at today's meeting. He said that it was not fair for me to clump him into a category with the people that wanted to abolish the zoning committee. He stated that he is here to do what's best for the City of Lumberton, and that he wants to see it grow. He also stated that he know that the planning/zoning committee will step on a lot of toes because they are trying to do the right things, but we must not let personal connections guide our direction. I commend Olen for coming to me and telling me his side of the story. I have said it time and time again, I can only give one side of the story. The information is present is based on facts, but they are also based on my opinions. I didn't know Olen read this blog, but when I am presented with another vantage point, I will incorporate it into my blog.


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