Friday Night Lights: Lumberton Edition

Friday night, the City of Lumberton was brimming with excitement after the Lumberton Panthers defeated the Poplarville Hornets. A night of victory turned into a night of violence. Around 2:45 a.m. I was awakened by a sea of blue lights. I looked out my bedroom window and I saw people handcuffed, lying on the ground and to my surprise, there were three Lumberton police officers on duty. Next thing I noticed was the three Lamar County Sheriff cars that pulled up on the scene. Before I could go and get my camera, I saw a young lady standing on the hill. I opened my window to hear what was going on, and she was asking her sister why was she in the police car. As soon as my window was opened, I heard an officer tell the lady "Didn't I tell your ass to leave. . . that's okay, your ass is going to jail." Are you serious? This woman had just walked onto the scene and he was having her arrested. I just stood there and couldn't believe what I was witnessing. One after another, they were arresting people for just standing around. They brought the K-9 unit from Lamar County, but the dog was never taken from the car. Although the people were not standing in the way or interfering with the officers, they were being arrested one after another for talking or pulling out their video camera.
Today, the Hattiesburg Police Department announced that they are installing lapel cameras on their officers. Seemingly, this is another way to combat police brutality, but crooked cops have a way of getting around the law. I imagine that there are going to be instances of cameras being turned off or blocked by some mysterious object, etc. There were several people out Friday night, and I don't think anyone taped the incident, which will give the crooks with badges another advantage. More than likely, they are going to make sure their statements line up, but those arrested need to bring in as many witnesses as possible to show that the Lumberton Police officers were the ones in the wrong.
It's legal to videotape an officer as long as you are not hindering apprehension, or interfering with the duties of a police officer. Just be smart, not a smart-a**. In police lingo - don't fail the "attitude test." Do it, but don't make a spectacle of it. If he tells you to turn it off and you don't, be prepared to be arrested for failure to comply with a lawful order. Doesn't mean he's right or that you can't beat it in court. But like Baretta said, "you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride."


  1. I guess this is what Bobby Gibson wanted. He's been calling all around town telling people that he had nothing to do with the things going on, but when the mayor was on sick leave, he called four special called meetings. Just last week, he told several of us that he can't call a special call meeting. While Mayor Holder was out, he fired Cassandra Fortenberry, Franklin, Cheif Fortenberry and several part time officers. He promoted Hobson to chief and voted to hire non-certified officers. So, how is this not the result of Bobby Gibson. He had a hand in all of this and if he want to prove that he didn't then just like he fired good officers he can fire bad officers. When Bobby Gibson says there's nothing he can do, what he really mean is there's nothing he want to do.

  2. I see all of this focus being made on Myrick Ave, but what about all of the drug use going on just a few blocks from the police station. Meth heads have a run of Country Village b/c they know cops are only focused on other areas. Wake up people. They are sitting back and planning what to do. It's time for our community to stick together. If Bobby Gibson, Tim Johnson and Ben Winston are not part of the solution then they are definately a part of the problem and it's time to solve or get rid of any problems that will hinder our progress.

  3. Why do they have Val's picture all over the news like she's a harden criminal? I guess Hobson has News 7 on speed dial. It's obvious that they're targeting any realative of Mayor Holder so they can keep her name in the news. Where are the pictures of Rebecca Hale's husband when he was arrested for manufacturing of a controlled substance? I guess those got lost in the fray.

  4. Bobby Gibson is a damn liar. I saw the 5 o'clok news on WDAM, and they showed the affidavit and it was signed by Bobby Gibson, Rebecca Hale and Dennis Hobson. You know that boy Hobson didn't press charges against the woman signing his checks without the approval of the board. I have been back on WDAM's website looking for the story they aired, but can't find it. I know I'm not the only one that saw the papers and one of the signatures belonged to Bobby Gibson. Stop lying Bobby and man up to what you did. If you wanted to be mayor so bad then you should have run for mayor.

  5. Jonathan tried to warn everyone. And the day has come and he is right once again.
    Everyone that has "black" stamped on their driver's liscense is a target. Don't believe it, look at the history of arrests since this "impersonating a police officer", police chief has been in office. He has somehow convinced Lamar County Sheriff to go along with his crimes. Channel 7 is already in the mix with them. (Check out their promo for News 7, the mayor's mug shot and Dennis Hopson is on there).
    This is what it has come to here. But when you sit back and fight against your own color, this is how the emeny sneaks in and take over.
    Lining people up to be arrested is not called for. But every last one of those arrested can be fought and won. The chief and that crook from Poplarville are not even supposed to wear badges. When yall go to court, everybody remind the judge and the news of this fact. Make sure you get a lawyer who will be willing to investigate these crooks. File a complaint with the Attorney General's office and make sure you send or fax them a copy of your arrest report. (Make sure Hopson and the crook from Poplarville names are visible). Include in your complaint that these people are not supposed to be in law enforcement. Call NAACP and complain about the modern day lynching that is going on in Lumberton. Any outside attention will be helpful.

  6. all i can say is you got what you wanted !!!!!whene yall had good police yall complained so now you have cops who don't play and carry yall to jail for anything . serves yall right!!!

  7. @Anonymous September 26, 2011 4:48 p.m. . . I really appreciate the comments, but this is not a black issue, this is an issue that is plaguing the entire town. Unfortunatley, the members of the black community are being targeted in a futile effort on Hobson's part to try and make it look like Chief Fortenberry was covering up charges for people, but everyone that's been arrested under the misguidance of Hobson had never been in the back of a police car before. So, if we can get ALL people to be concerned about what's going on, then we will be able to make some progress. Like I've said before, silence is acceptance. Those that think it's "their" problem are not the ones "we" need on "our" team.

  8. there is a curfew in the City of Lumberton so when people are hanging around out side at 2 AM they are usually up to no good so if officers ask them to go inside then they should have complied. This city needs to have rules inforced not inforcing the rules is what is wrong with the city now you can make comments about it being racial but as a black woman I feel safer knowing that our police are inforcing the laws of our town. help them succeed in this battle to make our town what it once was. Drugs is a major issue in this small town and I fear for my children. If it takes making some people angry to clean our town up then so be it. Prayers for our city and those trying to improve it.

  9. Curfews are in place for children, not adults. I have no problem with rules being enforced, but I do have a problem when the rules are only enforced on Myrick and not on Main. There are just as many drug users living in Country Village, but since they're mostly on meth, I guess it's acceptable to the LPD. Once the drug heads living there target the elderly that lives next to the property, I guess it will be addressed.

  10. Seriously, the person that made the comment wants us to believe she's a black woman. I don't beleive it, but if she was black her name is probably Sheila Willis or Pumpkin and since Sheila usually put her name on her comments, I guess the scared black woman making the comment is Pumpkin. If my husband was trolling for deaf hookers, I guess I would be scared too. By the way, I'm a white woman and I don't like the band of crooks partolling Lumberton with badges. Also, there are three or four drug dealers in Lumberton and I haven't heard of any big drug bust, so this group is not doing any better than the last.


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