Heated Discussion

Only in Lumberton, Mississippi could an invitation to the Firefighter Fall Festival become more heated than a three alarm fire. I think the conversation entered the PNR (point of no return) when the following comment was made: "It's really sad that someone would stoop low enough to put down any fire fighters on 9/11. . . Vanessa, please think before you speak. These are the same people that respond when your family members have medical needs or they are involved in a car accident." I'm certain that this person is aware that Vanessa is still dealing with her son's car accident, and that's probably the reason why they made that comment. It's funny that they don't think anything should be said about fire fighters on 9/11, but in the same breath, would bring up a car wreck to a mother that's still grieving the loss of her son. Another person said that Vanessa's comment "every house you all came to has burned to the ground; we might as well don't have a fire department" kick started the melee. Whatever ignited the fire storm of insults, threats, and cyber bullying claims; it shows that our city is still far from being united.
The comments were really out there, but people generally don't show their true colors until they're angry. The other night at the board meeting, Mayor Holder asked Jerry Walters to tell the firefighters working at the football games to identify themselves instead of just telling people to get off the fence. Rather than complying with the mayor's request, Jerry made a point to say, that if someone gets in my wife's face and start going off, then I'm going to go off. It's interesting that he feel that he can "go off" on someone because the police department has brought them on to help secure the football games, but its okay for Kent Crider to disrespect Mayor Holder. Jerry later made some very disparaging comments when the meeting was in a state of chaos, but he feels that everyone should just support him. After reading one of his comments, I realize that he claims that "the Mayor caused the contract to be cancelled with the county." No wonder he has such disdain for Mayor Holder. At least now, I have discovered on of his sources of angst against the mayor. I'm sure it also has to do with many of his lengthy conversations with the city clerk, but some people don't need to be convinced to show their prejudice for another person.
The lowest point of this conversation came with a Lumberton police officer, Justin Martin said that “in my opinion only a 1/4 of the people in this town are worth saving." Now, these are the people that are employed to serve and to protect. How effective is a person in their job when they have this view of the citizens they are sworn to protect. Firefighters, first responders, police officers all have a very difficult job and for some reason, the vilest individuals are generally the ones attracted to these positions. I don't know if they have a hero complex or if they're just attention whores, but whatever the case may be, they need to be honest, fair-minded individuals if they choose to serve or volunteer in these areas. In small towns, we know each other and as a result, we know so much about the backgrounds, and political beliefs of those serving in our city. Jerry has said, on several occasions, that he has tried to get more black men/women to serve on the LVFD, but he has failed to do so. He's also said that his department is mostly comprised of women. I don't care if the department is all white. I only care that the people working on that department is there for the right reasons and not sitting back saying which neighborhoods they will and will not respond to. I don't agree with a lot of the things that were said, but don't preach unity in one post and then tear apart everyone else in the next. Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.


  1. Mr.Informer, I appreciate your support of the LVFD and your comments about what i said were true. If you notice, the Mayors request was complied with because all the Firefighters who worked the game this past Friday night were wearing Security shirts. There were alot of remarks made about the fire department that were untrue. The statement about the "Contract" with the county being cancelled was the Mayors fault was a statement that was made by The board of Supervisors, not by me. I never said it was her fault. We still have a mutual aid agreement with the county, we just don't get the county insurance rebate money anymore. I don't understand why the conversation took the direction it did. I'm just here to do a job. I need support from the Whole community to do my job. I want this department to be a Fire Department that all the residence can be proud of. As i said, ALL Firefighters will go into ALL parts of this city or they will not be part of the LVFD. For the record, I don't have any angst against Mayor Holder. I have known her all my life and i hold her in high respect. But just as her husband defends her, i will defend mine. I'm glad that you don't care if this is an all white fire department. I do! This isn't an all white city. I want to do what is right and what will allow me to make sure that ALL of Lumberton is protected. I will continue to do that, against all obsticles, as long as i am here. There is no predjudice in me anywhere. God is no respector of person and neither am i. Anybody that says any different doesn't know me.

  2. I thought that was what you guys wanted. People like to tout that they are not prejudice, but when they sit back and watch injustices take place day after day, what is it called? No, I don't care if everyone on the fire department is white, just as I wouldn't care if everyone on the department was black; as long as they're doing their best to provided an essential service to the city. But everytime you talk about asking black people to serve, you make a point to make you point where it has a negative connotion. There are still those in our community that don't believe Johnny Grant left on his own, but was forced to leave. I don't know what you can do to clear up that notion, but that's the way they fell and until something is done to change it, you're probably not going to get any volunteers from every community. For some reason, the people in this city feel they must choose side. I love Mayor Holder; when I felt she did something untoward, I blogged about it and the people cheered me on, but when I call out Stephanie on her "mess" then the white community take on the don't you say anything about Stephanie approach. What's the problem? Stephanie sits up there at city hall and talk trash about me day after day, and if that's not the truth then her co-worker are telling me lies. I don't care that you are fond of Stephanie, but that doesn't mean that you have to disrespect the mayor to stay in the good graces of the city clerk or perhaps you do. There's injustice taking place all over this city and justice belongs to everyone. When we sit back when clerks are turning citizens into crooks for asking about their child support payments, we are just as guilty; when we sit back and watch police officers lie and villify law abiding citizens we are just as guilty. Anyone that think 1/4 of the city is not worth saving shouldn't be working in our city.

  3. Correction: Jerry Walters stated that he was talking about the contract with the county being cancelled becasue of the mayor, he was just repeating a comment made to him by the Board of Supervisors. He stated that he didn't make that comment and it was taken out of context.

  4. I agree on alot of things that u both said but one thing is Justin Martin doesnt work for the city anymore and i belive everyone has an opinon and we all have freedom of speech.but there is things that dont need to be said just bc u are grieving thats hurting other familys when u talk trash about them...but i just thought i would say that.....thanks

  5. Mr, Informer, First of all, thank you for your corrections. That shows your fairness in reporting. I don't know how to clear all this mess up with the way Mr. Grant left the Dept. All i can do is offer to let you hear the recording of the meeting that day when he stated that if we were gonna go by the bylaws and the MS Code of 1972 be was leaving. At that point the board of directors were forced to Appoint a Chief. All i can do is speak what i know. I don't try to speak on matters that i know anything about. I try to be a fair and honest person. That is the way my father raised me. He worked over at the mill with the Mayors father, Mr. Neely, for many years. He still talks highly of my dad. I don't let the words of others cause me to form an opinion about someone. I make my own opinion based on what that person shows me. I feel you are the same way.

  6. On one hand, it's good to know that Justin is no longer a Lumberton police officer, but on the other hand, at least he didn't hid how he felt. I don't know which is worse, a cop that has the balls to let you know that he don't give a crap about you and your city or a cop that will lie, cheat, steal, falsify documents to convict an innocent person. But Lumberton has never been a place for a long term career in law enforcement, you're either here to start your career or to end it.

  7. The firefighter that asked me to get off of the fence did not have any ID on him and he surely did not have a firefighter shirt on. Mayor Holder

  8. When did watching the game from the fence become a problem? I watch the highlights from the games every Friday on WDAM and the first thing you see is the people lined up against the fence watching the game. Who came up with the no standing on the fence policy? Is this another one of Hobson's stupid ideas? Or was this something instituted by the school? You mean to tell me that if you pay to come to the game, you can't decide weather or not you want to stand by the fence or sit in the stands. SMDH.

  9. Dear Mayor & Mr.Informer, The fireighter that asked the mayor to get off the fence did have on a red fire department T-shirt. I know because i gave him mine. We were instructed by the dchool what to do. I think a few of them may have took it a little far. I believe the school is talking about people standing there with their arms over the fence. The main problem the school has is with people standing at the fence on the concrete between the bleachers and the fence. Ms, Mayor, i apologize on behalf of the department if there were any actions towards you that you deem inappropriate. I have no problem with people standing at the fence watching the game. i use to do it all the time. We will keep working with everybody and the school til we get it right.

  10. From what I was told about standing on the fence at the game has to do with insurance. But I don't believe that. I was standing on the fence at the first game, the game hadn't even started yet, talking to someone and a school employee approached us and told us we couldn't stand on the fence because of the insurance. I have attended other games at other schools and people are standing against the fences. People have stood against the fence for as long as I can remember.

  11. Mr. Informer

    I do not know you nor do you know me. But i thank the Good Lord above everyday that I do not live w/in the city limits of Lumberton. It is a crying shame what the city has become. On another point, I am a volunteer firefighter, and medical first responder,(notice I said volunteer, I do not receive any type of compensation from what I do. Every time I go on a call it cost me money. Most firefighters do what they do from their heart and to help their community. Neither do I have a hero complex or am I a ATTENTION WHORE, you can ask anyone that knows me and there are a lot of people from Lumberton that know me.

  12. This is so crazy. I thank God I don't like ball games but i can tell you i will be attending one or two and if a anyone of them firefighter aproach me jail here i come cause they don't have no right. If the school impliments standing on the fench why not put it in the handbook so people can read it or put a sign up you using the fire department for your dirty work. Jerry, Susan and Belinda Walter and the rest of the volunteer department know who you talking to when you ask them to get off the fence cause you will have to get in my face after our conversation cause it is a time bomb ticking waiting to go off. you better let the officier or school official face me


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