See What I'm Saying

I received some e-mails from people that were concerned and wanted to know if I was about to stop blogging. So this blog is in response to those e-mails and to offer some clarity on the post where I was apologizing. I may have offended some people with this blog, and that's bound to happen. Instead of sitting back, plotting and looking for ways to come after me they need to be focused on more serious issues. When I said that I was being targeted, I meant what I said. There were several other people in court with me that night and I believe that almost everyone of us, with the exception of the ones that paid their fines that night, were given 30 days to pay their fines. There's over $500,000 in tickets and fines on the books here in Lumberton, MS. There was no round-up to get everyone that owed fines/tickets which means that someone had to specifically pull my file, get it to the judge and have him to sign a warrant for me to be arrested for failure to pay the fine on a ticket that was assessed just 2 weeks ago. If it was that easy to deal with collection of tickets then why haven't Judge Stewart enacted this policy before the city became bogged down with non-payment of fines and tickets; and why was there a collection attorney addressing the board last month looking to get paid $300-700/month to collect tickets? Since this is the new way of getting fines paid, then have a round up every week to collect old fines. But since this was not about clearing the books but another effort to build a case against me, then I guess that's not going to happen. Hey, at least the City of Lumberton can scratch off my fines and now that leaves them with $549,000 in uncollected fines. But I guess I should look for a silver lining in all of what took place and I can say that not all cops working in Lumberton are crooks and I learned that while having handcuffs placed on my wrists. (Side-note: I don't know why people think handcuffs are good for the bedroom because there was nothing sexy about being handcuffed.) I guess I should let it blow over and count it as a part of my past, but I just have a feeling that I'm still being targeted. I better read up on my lease because if the people I'm dealing with are as dirty as I think they are, that will be their next step. Also, I was brushing up on state laws in case someone tries to have charges filed against me for cyber harassment or cyber stalking. I read over Mississippi Law 97-45-15 to make sure I wasn't in violation of state laws. The penalties for violation of Mississippi's Cyber-Harassment (Stalking) are quite severe, but in order to be convicted, the person must be in violation of a restraining order. There were some additional circumstances listed, but they didn't apply to me. For a minute I became concerned, but then I finally read section 3 of the law and it stated that "this section does not apply to any peaceable, nonviolent, or nonthreatening activity intended to express political views or to provide lawful information to others. This section shall not be construed to impair any constitutionally protected activity, including speech, protest or assembly."
Enjoy your weekend and be safe!


  1. Bobby Gibson is walking around Lumberton looking like the living dead. Michael Jackson was paying $150,000/month for rest and he still couldn't get any sleep. Bobby lied to get our votes and if he wants to put an end to the mess he created he has only one thing to do and that is to vote to fire Hobson and rest will come.

  2. Yea of course u see the chief buddy buddy with the manager, good thing u did look over your lease.
    You write good blogs and make good points continue and don't let no others bring you down!


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