Know Your Rights, Part I

The number of people coming out to support Mayor Holder is increasing. Many of you have said that it's time for all of this madness to end, and you are coming out because you are fed up with how this town is getting worse and worse. Some people are staying home because of fear of retaliation, but there is strength in numbers. I have been told that there is a free steak program in place for police officer's that write the most tickets and a free seafood platter for the officer that harasses the most citizens. (I don't know if the latter part is true, but that's what I was told.) Many of you know that Hobson and his team will harass anyone that's supportive of the mayor. I would like you to make sure you're tail-lights are working, obey the speed limit, and always wear your seatbelt. Over the next few days, I will offer you more tips to deal with the Lumberton Police Department because residents of Lumberton know that here, you're guilty until proven innocent and the Lumberton Police Department make arrests based on hearsay instead of evidence. Here are a few tips on how to deal with a traffic stop.
To stop you a police officer must have a specific reason to suspect your involvement in a specific crime and should be able to tell you the reason. This is known as reasonable suspicion. Most times you are probably getting pulled over for a traffic violation such as speeding or maybe a tail light is out. Although the stop may seem wrong or unfair, the police believe they have a reason to stop you. Throwing a cigarette butt out of your car window is a reason for the police to pull you over and ticket you for littering and to ask you all sorts of personal questions.

Rules #1 - Never talk to a police officer. Keep your mouth shut! (You never have to answer any questions a police officer may ask, except for your name, address and date of birth. Instead of telling the police officer this information, simply give them your driver’s license or I.D. card and insurance card. All the information they need to know about you is on your driver’s license.)

Rule #2 - Never talk to a police officer. Keep your mouth shut! (How can you be charged with something if you haven't said anything?) Remember anything you say or do will be used against you.

Rule #3 - "Am I Free to Go?" As soon as a police officer asks you a question, ask the police officer, "Am I Free to Go?" If you are detained or arrested by a police officer, tell them that you are going to remain silent and that you would like to speak to a lawyer.

Rule #4 - Safety. Never bad-mouth a police officer. Stay calm and in control of your words, body language and your emotions. Always keep your hands where the police officer can see them. Don't run away and never touch a police officer!

Rule #5 - Refuse to Consent to Searches. Just say NO to searches! Remember if the police didn't need your permission, they wouldn't be asking you. Never give permission to a police officer to search you, your car or your home. If a police officer does search you, don't resist!

Cops are perhaps the most dangerous members of our society, so I will post more safety tips tomorrow. Be safe!


  1. These SOB's that we call a police force was harassing the citizen's of Lumberton and just the people that come through Lumberton long before Hobson came to town. I in no way like this man become on, it takes a thief to catch a thief. If someone is taking from the city or tampering with evidence then they should be arrested. But, why is every time something starts in Lumberton the race card is always the first to be played? This is not the 50's and 60's. I would think that with all the Bi-racial couples and children in Lumberton that race would be the last thing on everyone's minds. Please people, you need to move on and move forward. This is just getting out of hand. I say fire everyone from the Mayor to the last police officer and start all over.

  2. You know there are some honest, hard working cops out there. They are there to protect and serve. Don't put all cops in the same category. They put their life on the line for you and me everyday and get paid little to do that. You don't seem to care about this city all you want to do is stir the pot and get people riled up. Try doing something constructive with you life besides sit on the computer all day trying to stir up more hate and discontent

  3. These cops aint putting their lifes on the line for nothing, because they dont do anything.

  4. These cops dont do anything but mess with people. I dont live in Lumberton but every couple of years when i do decide to come visit I get pulled over. They tell me that they are looking for a car that fits my car description which is BS. So i dont say any thing i just give them my license. Which also does them no good because they still dont know who I am. Then i get the famous " Who are you related to?". So with that being said they are not working hard nor are they putting they life on the line to harass people. Send they asses to Afghanistan and Iraq like i have been for 5 yrs out of my life and then you can tell me they are putting they life on the line.


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