Moore and Moore Details Emerging

The other night, marked another major robbery in the City of Lumberton. The first theft involved stealing around $6,000 worth of merchandise/metal from Custom Pre-Cast and the other night, John's Discount Drugs was robbed. (This was probably the act of some drug seekers and they probably targeted the bottles of oxycotin, loratabs and probably a whole list of other drugs.) I can see Custom Pre-Cast getting robbed because it's in an isolated location, but John's is right there on Main Street. Just goes to show that when darkness falls, the Lumberton Police Department is not patrolling Main Street. Unfortunately, the thieves weren't parked in a handicap parking space; otherwise, they might have been stopped or at least ticketed.
Everybody knows that there are usually only two officers on at night, and with Facebook and Twitter, once both cars are accounted for, the rest of the city is ripe for the picking. Instead of targeting legally parked cars, Dennis might want to make sure that all areas of the city are covered. But I'm glad Hobson targeted me; it made him show his hand. I've parked the same way for the last 28 months, and every officer (including Hobson) know where and how I park. Until now, I was never given a ticket, but since Hobson has the "full support of the board" he decided to use officers to harass me.
I should be angry, but thanks to the Dumberton Police Department, I have more people coming forth with information and I have some very good leads. Everybody and their mother know why my car was towed. Thankfully, people began to realize that Hobson was using the police department to settle a personal vendetta; not as an agency of public safety. Since Hobson was promoted by a group if idiots, he’s failed to realize that there are still some residents of Lumberton that believe fairness and justice belongs to everyone; not just a select few. Dennis had the opportunity to put an end to this ordeal the night he gave Byrd his approval to go forth, but he thought getting me towed would stop me. On the contrary, it made me search a little bit harder and now I have received some remarkable e-mails from people in Meridian and Petal. One of the e-mails led me to Chief Lee Shelbourn. I haven't had the opportunity to speak with him yet, but someone from his office suggested that I talk with Attorney Carlos E. Moore of Grenada. I am supposed to have a conference call with Mr. Moore this evening. I will update you about our conversation and hopefully, I will have something else to present at court.
WTBS . . If you're out and about this weekend, please remember to wear your seat belts, drive the speed limit, and if you are attending any Labor Day parties, please have a DD. Have a Safe and Enjoyable Labor Day Weekend!


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